ET Docs

Help entries are available for the following topics:

A - About TDS

What is TDS?

TDS (Technical Documentation System) is designed to serve as a single centralised location for documentation (notes, presentations, etc.).

It enables the codification of files and a comprehensive Search facility. Users can search for Codes either through the chronologically ordered Code List section or via the View Series section, which provides a theme/event-based display of all Codes stored within the application.

Many additional features are due to be added and developed over the coming months that will render TDS continually more powerful and user-friendly.

In the meantime, we hope that TDS can already serve as a useful means of sharing resources.

Further information can be obtained from the papers and presentations that have been published during and about TDS developement. These can be accessed via the View Series section here:

B - Logging-in

How do I log-in?

1. Enter your Active Directory username.
2. Enter your Active Directory password.
3. Click on the Log-in button.

Requesting a User Account

In order to access non-Public content, it is necessary to authenticate yourself using an Active Directory account.

If you do not have an account, you can request one via the Request a User Account form.

C - TDS Instances

What are the TDS instances?

TDS can be used to store Codes in relation to different projects, at the same time. In order to accommodate this, the possibility to select different Instances has been incorporated.

By default, a specific Instance is displayed, but the user may select other options from those available in the Choose TDS Instance box at the top of the page, to the left of the log-in information and options. Once a user changes to a different Instance, this information is stored in a related cookie, so that the user returns to that Instance the next time they visit the application.

Moving from one Instance to another not only enables the user to view the Codes that belong to the different Instances, but also to add Codes to TDS using a different prefix; each Instance has its own prefix.

D - Adding/Editing a Code

What are the Access Privileges?

The Access Privileges are the degree to which a Code is visible to users in TDS.

By default, the Details - associated metadata - of all Codes are visible to all users. However, the Files attached to a Code are not necessarily visible. This may be over-ridden by the use of the 'Hide Code' option, which restricts the visibility of the Code to only those users that belong to the associated privileged Group.

Omitting the Hide Code option, if a Code is Public then it is visible to all users - whether they have logged-in or not

Codes associated to all other Access Privileges require user authentication with an Active Directory username and password.

For a Code it is possible to decide whether users belonging to a Group can only View a Code and its Files, or whether they can also Create New Releases of that Code as well.

Codes may be attached to more than one Access Privilege.

N.B. Clicking on an Access Level icon reveals information relating to who specifically can access Codes associated to it.

What are the Code Details?

The Code Details are all of the metadata information that describes the Files attached to the Code. This includes:

- Title
- Author(s)
- Document Type
- Code
- Uploaded document(s)
- Date code requested
- Code creator
- Referral URI
- Wait time
- Access privileges
- Series

Each of these fields are described individually within the Help section.

What are the Related Codes?

The Related Codes are all those Codes that are associated to Series to which the currently-being-viewed Code is also associated.

What are Your Access Privileges?

Your Access Privileges show the level of access you, the individual user, has in relation to the Codes available.

For example, if two Access Privilege levels are available - LKV and LVC - but you are only associated to LKV, you will only be able to view Documents uploaded to Codes associated to that level.

What does the 'Hide Code' option do?

This option - only available once a Code has been created - enables a user to completely hide a Code from all TDS users that do not belong to an Access Privilege with at least View privileges for the related Code.

If the Code is hidden, neither uploaded Files or related Code metadata details are visible to users without the required access, while the Code is also not listed in the Code List.

Codes can switch between being Hidden and Un-hidden as required.

Procedure for creating an entirely hidden Code:

  1. To ensure that a Code is entirely hidden, first of all create a Code with a default title - something like: 'Temporary title' - and then Create the Code.

  2. Begin editing the Code Details.

  3. Click on the 'Hide Code' option.

  4. Add the correct Code Title and details and then Save them.

What is the Code Colour Key?

The Code Colour Key is the legend that explains the different colours attributed to the Codes in the Code List.

What is the Code Release Modification History?

The Code Release Modification History shows the time and date and associated user of any modification made to a Code, subsequent to the moment in which it was Frozen. N.B. This means modifications to a specific Code Release, rather than to the creation of a subsequent Release.

Clicking on the link shows the related Code Details metadata as it looked prior at the moment of modification.

What is the Code?

The Code is automatically generated by TDS whenever a new Code is added. It takes the following format:



- PREFIX is the default template starter, dependent upon which Instance of TDS is being used, i.e. VIR for Virgo, ET for ET.
- 0000 is a unique four digit number that is incremented automatically by TDS as new Codes are added.
- A is the Release of the Code currently being displayed in the Code Metadata. Again, this is incremented automatically by TDS as new Codes are added (e.g. A, B, C, etc.).
- 00 is the year in which the Code was created, displayed in two digit format.

Some Codes also use a different Code format. These are Codes that had already been codified in other systems (e.g. Virgo Codifier, ET Codifier), using a different template, and that were subsequently imported into TDS. New Releases of these Codes will take on a Code in the new format, decided above, but will remain linked to the old Code as a New Release.

What is the Date Code Requested?

The Date Code Requested is the precise date and time in which a specific Release of a Code was created in TDS.

When this information is displayed in the Code List as Date, the date of the creation of the Latest Release is displayed.

What is the Document Type?

This is a list of dfferent values (presentation, procedure, etc.) that relate to the Uploaded document(s).

The user must choose a Document Type for each Code created.

In the event that a user cannot find a satisfactory Document Type, the option to Request a New Document Type is available. Selecting it opens a small browser window in which it is possible to insert the new type request. This is then sent to the Feedback section of TDS and considered by Administrators. In the event that it is agreed to include it in the available list, it is then inserted.

It is possible to search on the Document Type within the Full Search.

What is the Referral URI?

The Referral URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) is a link directly to the Code that can be copied and pasted into other websites, documents, presentations, etc. and will always take the user to the latest Release of that Code.

More information on URI can be found here.

What is the Title?

The Title field provides a description of the content of the Files attached to a Code.

N.B. During the importation of Virgo presentations into TDS this field was filled with the name of the file itself. Although often descriptive up to a point, these often do not contain the same degree of information as would be available in a full title.

What is Wait Time?

The Wait Time field allows a user adding or editing a Code to decide for how long a period of time a Code can be altered until it is regarded as Confirmed. Once a Code has been Confirmed it can no longer be changed and a New Release must be created to make any alterations.

The Wait Time begins counting down once a File has been attached to a Code.

Who are the Author(s)?

The Author(s) field contains the names of the author(s) of the File(s) attached to a Code.

Who is the Code Creator?

This is the user that has added the Code to TDS.

N.B. During the importation of presentations into TDS this field was automatically updated to display the name of the user that created the presentation, rather than the actual TDS Code. It is therefore to be decided whether, for these Codes, the Code Creator field would best be left blank.

E - Uploading/Attaching files

What are the Allowed File Types?

The Allowed File Types are the extension of all of the different types of file that it is possible to upload to TDS.

A full list of these File Types is available either at the moment of upload of a File or via the Full Search section.

What are Uploaded Document(s) and Annex Files and what is the difference between them?

Permission to view all uploaded files depends upon the Access Level of the Code and the User Groups to which a user belongs.

If a user has permission to view Uploaded Document(s)/Annex File(s) they will be displayed as a link that can be selected by the user. If not, the message: 'You do not have permission to view files attached to this Code.' will be displayed.

Users can upload Document(s) to a Code by clicking on the Upload Documents/Files button available below the Code Metadata.

Uploaded Document(s) are the files referred to in the Code Metadata Title. When these files are uploaded, the filename is changed to take on the format of the Code to which it is related. For example:

  • a file called tmp.txt, if uploaded to Code VIR-0000A-00, becomes VIR-0000A-00.txt once uploaded.

Only one instance of a file type may be uploaded per Code. So in the example given above, no other file of type .txt may be uploaded to VIR-0000A-00. Of course, files of other types - as long as they are in the list of Allowed File Types - may be uploaded.

Annex File(s) are other files that do not have a direct correspondence with the Code Metadata Title, but are related to it in some other way.

These files, when uploaded, maintain their original filename, although the unique identifier of the related Code Release is prefixed to it, to ensure that there is no conflict with already uploaded files related to other Codes. For example:

  • a file called tmp.txt, when uploaded as an Annex File, becomes 0000_tmp.txt, where 0000 is the unique Code Release Identifier. However, this prefix is not displayed when the filename is listed in the Annex File(s) box.

There are no restrictions on these files in terms of the number of instances of a given file type can be uploaded, although the normal restrictions in terms of File Size and Allowed File Types apply.

What is the Maximum File Size?

The Maximum File Size is the limit of the size of a file that can be uploaded to TDS.

F - The Code List

What is the Code List and how does it work?

The Code List provides a chronological view of all of the different Codes within a TDS Instance. By default it displays a sub-set of the 20 most recent of all of the Codes currently contained within the database. The user can view older Codes by navigating to them by using the Bookmark links at the top of the List.

Codes are shaded using different colours. These are explained in the Code Colour Key box to the right of this page.

The Code List may also display a reduced listing of available Codes. This means that the user has either entered Search criteria or is viewing Codes associated with a specific Series. To return to the full listing simply click on the Remove ... Search/Series Filter option to the right of the Bookmarks.

G - Searching for a Code

Searching for a specific Code

Searching on this field matches the list of Codes in the Code List page by the actual Code associated to the Document.

Searching for the Author(s) of a Code

Searching on this field matches the list of Codes in the Code List page by Code Details Author(s).

When filtering the Code List by the author(s), the following should be kept in mind:

  • it is possible to use the BOOLEAN search operators 'AND', 'OR' and 'NOT', as well as opening and closing round brackets - '(' and ')' - when formulating search terms;

  • any preceding non-breaking spaces in accidentally entered into the input by the user are automatically removed when the Search is triggered.

Searching for the Title of a Code

Searching on this field matches the list of Codes in the Code List page by Code Details Title.

When filtering the Code List by title, the following should be kept in mind:

  • it is possible to use the BOOLEAN search operators 'AND', 'OR' and 'NOT', as well as opening and closing round brackets - '(' and ')' - when formulating search terms;

  • any preceding non-breaking spaces in accidentally entered into the input by the user are automatically removed when the Search is triggered.

Searching on Access Privilege levels

When searching on Access Privilege levels, the Search filter returns a list of Codes associated to any of those Access Privilege levels selected. So, if 'LVC' and 'LKV' are selected, all Codes associated to either 'LVC' or 'LKV' are returned.

Searching on Date From

Searching on this field matches the list of Codes in the Code List page dependent upon the date on which the Code was created.

The date can be selected either via the calendar function or entered directly as text in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.

The filter created using the date entered in this input is inclusive of this date, i.e. If the date entered is 2016-01-01, the filter returns all Codes created as of and including 2016-01-01.

Searching on Date To

Searching on this field matches the list of Codes in the Code List page dependent upon the date on which the Code was created.

The date can be selected either via the calendar function or entered directly as text in the 'YYYY-MM-DD' format.

The filter created using the date entered in this input is inclusive of this date, i.e. If the date entered is 2016-01-31, the filter returns all Codes created before or on 2016-01-31.

Searching on Document Type

When searching on Document Type, the Search filter returns a list of Codes associated to any of the Document Types selected. So, if 'Publication' and 'Presentation' are selected, all Codes classified as either presentations or publications are returned.

Searching on Full Text

Searching on this field matches the list of Codes in the Code List page by the contents of the document.

When filtering the Code List by Full Text, the following should be kept in mind:

  • it is possible to use the BOOLEAN search operators 'AND', 'OR' and 'NOT', as well as opening and closing round brackets - '(' and ')' - when formulating search terms;

  • any preceding non-breaking spaces in accidentally entered into the input by the user are automatically removed when the Search is triggered.

Searching on uploadable file type

When searching on Uploadable File Type, the Search filter returns a list of Codes associated to any of the File Types selected. So, if '.doc' and '.pdf' are selected, all Codes with Files of '.doc' or '.pdf' types are returned.

What is the Full Search?

The Full Search functionality allows the user to filter the results displayed in the Code List dependent upon various different fields.

Note that for some Search fields - Title, Author(s) and Full Text - it is possible to use the BOOLEAN search operators 'AND', 'OR' and 'NOT', as well as opening and closing round brackets - '(' and ')' - when formulating search terms.

What is the Quick Search?

N.B. The Search engine looks for values in a case-insensitive way.

The Quick Search interface provides a swift way for the user to find a Code. It includes a reduced list of searchable fields that relate to the Code Metadata and that are interrogated in the following way:

- Title - Any value entered into this field will be compared against the Titles of all Codes in TDS. The value does not have to be the exact Title, but simply an element of it. So, for example, a search for 'tds' will find all Codes containing 'tds' either at the start or end of the Title, or anywhere within it, as can be seen in the image above.

- Author(s) - This Search field works in the same way as the Title field, only searching in the Author(s) field.

- Code - Any value entered in this field will be compared against both the TDS Code format (VIR-0000A-00) and the old Virgo Reference Number structure (e.g. VIR-NOT-PIS-1390-340). Again, the search works in the same way as explained in the Title field above.

Date From - This value, which must be entered in the format 'DD-MM-YYYY', will return all Codes that were created ON or AFTER the date specified.

Date To - This value, which must be entered in the format 'DD-MM-YYYY', will return all Codes that were created ON or BEFORE the date specified.

H - Series

How do I display the Series Referral URI?

Take the following steps to display the Series Referral URI:

1. Go to the View Series section of TDS.
2. Navigate to the Series/Sub-Series of interest.
3. Click on the directory or pipe icon to the left of the Series Name.
4. This displays the Series Referral URI with a blue background to the far right of the Series Name.
5. Simply copy the link and paste it into the required location.

To display the Series Referral URI of another Series repeat steps 1 to 5 detailed above.

To stop displaying the Series Referral URI selected, simply click on the directory or pipe icon of the selected Series once again. This removes the display.

What are the Series?

The Series are a tree-based structure that allows Codes to be classified by theme or event, in addition to the standard chronological ordering of the Code List.

Codes can be associated to multiple Series to help both in their classification and in terms of other users being able to locate them.

The Series are of particular use when planning meetings with many different sessions, as they enable the meeting structure to be established quickly and users to upload their presentations/papers/etc. quickly and directly to whichever part of the meeting is relevant, without requiring anything more than Internet access.

For detailed information on Series definition, see the document written specifically on the subject:

TDS Series structure and definition

What is the Series Admin box?

The Series Admin box is only available to Series Administrators while they are undertaking an Administrative action upon a specific Series.

It provides the possibility to alter the Name, Description and Display Start/End Dates of Series under their control.

What is the Series Administrator

The Series Administrator is a User that has permission to add, edit and delete Series within a specific branch of the Series Tree.

A user is assigned a specific Series. All of the sub-Series below that point in the Tree can be amended by that specific User/Series Administrator.

For each Series and sub-Series, over which the Series Administrator has control, a maximum of three options will be available:

Add a new sub-Series below this Series.
Edit the details relating to a specific Series.
Delete a specific Series. N.B. This option is not available if the Series has sub-Series or if Codes are attached to the Series. To remove a Series with sub-Series or Codes attached to it, it is first necessary to delete all of the related sub-Series and detach all of the associated Codes.

What is the Series Name?

The Series Name field is simply the name of the Series as it appears in the Series Tree.

What is the Series Referral URI?

The Series Referral URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) works in much the same way as the Code Referral URI.

It is a link that can be copied and pasted into emails, document, other websites/applications, etc. in order to send users directly to the list of Codes associated to a given Series.

The main aim of the Referral URI is to help in the organisation of meetings. A meeting coordinator can simply include the Referral URI in an email or website and all attendees will be able to easily access the related presentations.

J - Cookie policy

Cookies on the Technical Documentation System

The TDS uses cookies to help to provide users with the best experience possible. The majority of information relating to a visit is stored in temporary sessions that are annulled when the browser is closed.

Persistant information is only retained in cookies in relation to the choice users make in relation to Quick Search configuration and to choice of default Instance.

If you continue without altering your browser cookie settings, it is assumed that you are happy to accept the cookies mentioned herein.

K - Copyright and Disclaimer

Copyright and disclaimer information

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION - This website and its contents, are protected by copyright laws and, where applicable, by patent and other intellectual property right laws.
Use of the contents of this website:
- all information and data copied from the website must be reproduced accurately; the contents of the website must not be used to infringe upon the image or privacy rights or in a manner prejudicial to the dignity or reputation of VIRGO;
- material on the website may be reproduced free of charge provided it is used exclusively for scientific, informational or educational purposes, no copyright notes are removed and the source is indicated;
- none of the material on the website may be used for other purposes, including commercial purposes.
Permission to use the contents of this website must not, under any circumstances whatsoever, be construed to imply an exclusive right to such use.
Products or companies mentioned on this website are brands or trademarks of the corresponding holders or owners and may be protected by patents and/or copyright granted by or registered with the relevant authorities: these may only be used for personal purposes.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY - The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by VIRGO and while we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

This website collects documents from many individual authors. The authors are solely responsible for the contents of their documents, which do not represent the official position of VIRGO.

VIRGO declines any and all liability for any loss, error or omission whatsoever caused directly or indirectly by accessing the website, using interactive instruments, by users being unable to access or prevented from accessing the website or by the use of the
information it contains.

This disclaimer is not intended to limit the liability in contravention of any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude any liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law.

Copyright and disclaimer information

COPYRIGHT INFORMATION - This website and its contents, are protected by copyright laws and, where applicable, by patent and other intellectual property right laws.
Use of the contents of this website:
- The content of this website is private information belonging to its access privileges group (Virgo, LVC,...). It may be reproduced provided it is used exclusively for the internal activities of the access privileges group, no copyright notes are removed and the source is indicated. In particular, all the technical documentation related to the construction, installation and commissioning of Advanced Virgo, protected under the "Virgo" access privilege, may be reproduced provided it is used exclusively for the construction, operation or upgrade of the Advanced Virgo detector, no copyright notes are removed and the source is indicated.
- None of the material on the website may be used for other purposes, including commercial purposes, without the prior written permission of the author of the document or of his home institution.
Permission to use the contents of this website must not, under any circumstances whatsoever, be construed to imply an exclusive right to such use.
Products or companies mentioned on this website are brands or trademarks of the corresponding holders or owners and may be protected by patents and/or copyright granted by or registered with the relevant authorities: these may only be used for personal purposes.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY - VIRGO declines any and all liability for any loss, error or omission whatsoever caused directly or indirectly by accessing the website, using interactive instruments, by users being unable to access or prevented from accessing the website or by the use of the information it contains.

This disclaimer is not intended to limit the liability in contravention of any requirements laid down in applicable national law nor to exclude any liability for matters which may not be excluded under that law.